Privacy and Cookie policy

(articles 13 and following European Regulation 679/2016)

This information is intended to describe how the site is managed in relation to the processing of personal data of visitors who consult it and use it as a service. This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation n. 679/2016 (regulation for the protection of personal data in member states) to those who connect to the site

The user's personal data, provided to Carmine Garofano (Data Controller) following consultation of the site or in the use of the services, are used by the Data Controller in compliance with the principles of protection of privacy established by the European Regulation and by the other regulations in force in matter.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is Carmine Garofano as sole director of Italian Trading Company S.r.l., with registered office at Via Plinio il Vecchio, 41, Castellammare di Stabia (NA) - Italy, tax code 03892061213, VAT number 03892061213.

Any Data Processors will be appointed, at the time of the conferment by the Data Controller, of external tasks for which it is necessary to share the Customer's data, only for purposes related to the contracts / relationships possibly existing between the parties, among those that present sufficient guarantees to implement adequate technical and organizational measures so that the treatment meets the requirements of the Regulation and guarantees the protection of the rights of the data subject and after the undersigning by the Manager of a specific contract / addendum to the professional assignment containing the requirements and specifications of the treatment itself.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The purposes of the processing for which the user data is intended are:
a) fulfillment of the pre-contractual and contractual relationships between the parties and compliance with laws and legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject (for example, registration to the site, purchase of services, customer assistance in the use of products and services) provided by the Company);
b) additional and different purposes than the contractual ones (marketing of company products, sending of newsletters, commercial communications and / or advertising material, services and other products of the company).

For the pursuit of the purposes referred to in point a) the processing of the personal data of the interested party is necessary and the consent to the same is performed directly in the conferment of the assignment / purchase of the product.

For the processing of the interested party's data concerning the purposes other than the pre-contractual / contractual ones referred to in point b) the express consent of the interested party is required, provided indifferently in paper form or electronically by the same.

Conferment and mandatory or optional nature of the data

We collect:

Data collected by the system

The web server that publishes this site, for its normal operation, automatically records a log of all the connections requested by the various clients (the browsers used by users for navigation); depending on the type of client and the type of device used, the information collected varies between the following:
– internet protocol address (IP);
– date and time;
– type of connection (http-https);
– destination and source url;
– browser and operating system identification string;
– connection status code;
– other technical information relating to computer protocols.

The aforementioned information is collected in an exclusively aggregated form, in order to verify the correct functioning of the software service and / or for security reasons.
The current legislation recognizes the status of personal data at the IP address; at present, I will not be able to bring an IP address back to a specific person; only the judicial authority will be able to appoint police bodies for identification activities, using additional data (eg the internet providers' logs).

The personal data requested are exclusively those necessary for the fulfillment of the user's request, in full compliance with the principles of adequacy of treatment sanctioned by the European Regulation. They are therefore mandatory as they are strictly functional to the execution of the services requested by the user.

Data for the use of services

I dati personali richiesti sono esclusivamente quelli necessari per l'espletamento della richiesta dell'utente, nel pieno rispetto dei principi di adeguatezza del trattamento sanciti del Regolamento Europeo. Essi sono pertanto obbligatori in quanto strettamente funzionali all'esecuzione dei servizi richiesti dall'utente.

In particular:
– Email, any surname, name, telephone number provided in the contact phase by email;
– Tax data for the purchase of products and services provided by the company.

The aforementioned data, subject to the express consent provided in the aforementioned manner, may also be used for the additional purposes referred to in letter b) of the previous point.

In any case, each user has the right to modulate his / her consent (for purposes other than contractual ones) at any time.

Processing methods

The processing and storage of data will be carried out with the aid of automated and / or paper means and IT tools, such as to allow the access of the user / customer to his personal data in our. possession, in the most suitable way to guarantee its integrity, updating, security and confidentiality, also protecting them from unauthorized and / or unlawful processing and from loss, destruction or accidental damage.

Without prejudice to communications that are made in compliance with legal obligations, the data may be communicated to external subjects who carry out specific tasks on behalf of the writer, subject to their express commitment to the protection of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Information and the standards on the Data Processor pursuant to Articles 28 and following of EU Regulation 679/2016, as well as applicable laws.

Duration of treatment

The processing of the data will take place for the entire duration of the relationships established between the parties and, after the conclusion of the existing relationship / contract, to comply with the civil and fiscal legal obligations applicable to the existing relationship, as well as to any other compliance with the law which the Data Controller is obliged with regard to the services referred to in point a) while, for the services referred to in point b) subject to express consent, will take place until such consent is revoked by the interested party.

Rights of the interested party

At any time the interested party may exercise, with a written request, to the Data Controller above identified, all the rights recognized by the applicable European and internal legislation and in particular by articles 13, 14, 15 to 22 and 34 of the European Regulation and by the national legislation in force, and in particular:
a) the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of data concerning you, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form, the right to obtain free access and / or copy of your personal data subject of treatment with indication of all the aspects relevant to the treatment envisaged by the EU Regulation.;
b) the right to obtain the update, the correction of inaccurate data, the limitation of the processing or, when interested, the integration of the data free of charge;
c) the right to object, in whole or in part to the processing of personal data concerning you relevant to the purposes of the collection for legitimate reasons or to revoke, in whole or in part, your consent, if it is necessary;
d) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data) or judicial authority.

The complete list of the data subject's rights is available in paper form at the Data Controller's Headquarters or by e-mail upon written request thereof.


What is a cookie and what is it used for.
In computers, HTTP cookies (more commonly referred to as Web cookies, tracking cookies or simply cookies) are lines of text used to perform automatic authentication, session tracking and storage of specific information concerning users accessing the server, such as, for example, favorite websites or, in the case of purchases via the internet, the content of their 'shopping carts'. In practical and non-specialist terms, a cookie is a small file, stored on your computer by websites during browsing, useful for saving preferences and improving website performance. This optimizes the user's browsing experience. (Wikipedia)

Use of cookies

The site uses cookies to make its services simple and efficient for users who view the site pages.
Users viewing the Site will see minimal information entered in the devices in use, which are computers and mobile devices, in small text files called "cookies" saved in the directories used by the User's web browser.
By disabling cookies, some of our services may not work properly or effectively.
Analyzing them in detail our cookies allow:
– store the preferences entered;
– avoid entering the same information several times during the visit.

Technical cookies

We use technologies such as "technical" cookies necessary for the functioning of the system and relevant only to the work session on the portal. By allowing for example to log in (login), they are temporary and have the duration of the current session.
They are deleted upon disconnection (or logout) and during their stay on your PC, they are not used by third parties.

Analytical cookies and third-party cookies

The site does not use this type of cookie.

How to change cookie settings

The settings to manage or deactivate cookies may vary depending on the web browser used, therefore, for more information on how to perform these operations, we suggest that you consult the manual of your device or the "Help" function of the own web browser.

The following are links to users that explain how to manage or disable cookies for the most popular web browsers:

– Internet Explorer:
– Google Chrome:
– Mozilla Firefox:
– Opera:
– Safari:

However, you can delete cookies by using one of the many third-party "cleaners", such as CCleaner.
Once the cookies have been deleted, it is normal for the browser and the various websites to reappear with requests for customization: this is due, in fact, to the cleaning performed.

For more information

For more information, to request the complete list of the rights of the interested party and to exercise the rights established by the European Regulation, you can write to the Data Controller at the following e-mail address .
To learn more about cookies, read the legislation at the following link